Words like ‘oof’, ‘yeet’, and ‘zaddy’ are recently added on Dictionary.com
There are many to share your thoughts and emotions, but there’s no denying that words play a big role in showing how you feel. Dictionary.com added new entries and updated some terms that captured people’s expressions throughout the past year.
In Dictionary.com’s post, it stated that their lexicographers worked on over 1,200 entries this year, including 231 new words, 65 new definitions in existing entries, and 925 revised definitions. These relate to COVID-19, technology, racial reckoning, and even slang terms.
The latest update to https://t.co/OeJELgy3YL reflects the evolving landscape of COVID-19, racial reckoning, technological change, and boundless creativity.
Here are just some of the 1,200 words we added and updated. https://t.co/XtyzEXPeZh
— Dictionary.com (@Dictionarycom) July 14, 2021
With pop culture’s undeniable influence on society, the digital dictionary recognized slang terms such as yeet, oof, zaddy, y’all, and even sh*tshow, among others.
Yeet was defined as “an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.” On the other hand, zaddy is a noun described as “an attractive man who is also stylish, charming, and self-confident.”
Dictionary.com made way for terms relating to COVID-19 since the pandemic has created an impact on people’s everyday lives and language. The terms long COVID, long hauler, and long haul earned their respective entries.
When it comes to reckoning with racial justice, the website added the terms DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion), and one-drop rule. It also updated the terms on Aunt Jemima, Black Code, cultural appropriation, and hypodescent.
The online dictionary also highlighted some terms that would spark the interest of tech enthusiasts. The entries include 5G, deplatform, asynchronous, and synchronous.
‘It’s a complicated and challenging society we live in,’ said John Kelly, managing editor of Dictionary.com. ‘Language changes to help us grapple with it.’
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