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Facebook reportedly plans to change its name soon

There are a few things for people to remember a brand. It could be its color, logo, tagline, and the most important part: its name. According to The Verge, Facebook apparently has plans to change its company name to show its efforts in creating the metaverse. The site stated that this claim came from a source with “direct knowledge of the matter.”

CEO Mark Zuckerberg is said to discuss the name change at the annual Connect conference on October 28, but there’s a possibility for him to talk about it sooner. The rebrand would likely place Facebook as one of the many products under a parent company, which will oversee other apps including Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and more.

The move comes at a time after the recent outage of Facebook and when its former employee turned whistleblower France Haugen revealed the extensive range of problems with the company’s products to the Wall Street Journal.

Unsplash/Tobias Dziuba

The rebrand also most likely comes from a place where the tech giant wants to be known for more than social media and “all the ills” that it generates. Reports mentioned that a spokesperson for Facebook declined to clarify the story because they “don’t comment on rumor or speculation.”

According to The Verge’s senior reporter Alex Heath, the potential names for the rebranding is a closely-guarded secret. He said, ‘A possible name could have something to do with Horizon, the name of the still-unreleased VR version of Facebook-meets-Roblox that the company has been developing for the past few years.’

If ever Facebook will really push through with its plan, it won’t be the first popular tech company to change its name. Google established Alphabet in 2015 to show that it’s not just a search engine. Another company was Snapchat which rebranded to Snap Inc. in 2016, where it also launched its first pair of Spectacle camera glasses.
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Source: we the pvblic

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